language = ko ## 인터페이스 한글화 ## #$ lab_interface_translate = true ## 한글 고정폭 폰트 ## #$ lab_apply_font = true ## 기술창 한글화 ## #$ lab_skill_window_translate = true ## 기술창 수동 시작 ## default_manual_training = true ## 능력창 한글화 ## #$ lab_ability_window_translate = true ## 마법창 한글화 ## #$ lab_magic_window_translate = true ## 골드 인터페이스 ## #$ lab_gold_status = true ## 웹죽 세션 강제 유지 및 잠수 알림 ## #$ lab_maintain_session = true # 사운드 자동 켜기 #$ lab_sound_on = true # 타일 사이즈 변경 tile_use_small_layout = true tile_map_pixels = 32 tile_cell_pixels = 64 # 폰트 사이즈 변경 tile_font_crt_size = 17 tile_font_stat_size = 17 tile_font_msg_size = 17 tile_font_tip_size = 17 tile_font_lbl_size = 17 # 폰트 변경 #tile_font_crt_family = Consolas #tile_font_stat_family = Consolas #tile_font_msg_family = Consolas #tile_font_tip_family = Consolas #tile_font_lbl_family = Consolas # Consolas, DejaVu Sans Mono, Arial, Open Sans # vi방식 이동키 비활성화 # include = no_vi_command_keys.txt # 스킬 경험치 메뉴얼 설정 default_manual_training = true # 플레이어 타일을 해당 종족으로 변경 (Default : false) tile_show_player_species = false # 메세지가 너무 많이 떴을 때 강제로 more 띄우지 않게 함 (Default : true) show_more = false # 자동탐사 딜레이 (Default : -1) travel_delay = 20 # 휴식 딜레이 rest_delay = -1 # 탐험 딜레이 explore_delay = -1 # 이펙트 딜레이 (Default 500) view_delay = 100 #왜곡무기 장비한 몬스터, 춤추는 왜곡무기 출현 시 more, 화면이 번쩍 효과 force_more_message += It is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += She is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += He is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += wielding.* distortion.* comes? into view flash_screen_message += It is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += She is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += He is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += wielding.* distortion.* comes? into view flash_screen_message += distortion.* comes? into view # HP / MP 알림 { local need_skills_opened = true local previous_hp = 0 local previous_mp = 0 local previous_form = '' local was_berserk_last_turn = false function announce_damage_ko() local current_hp, max_hp = you.hp() local current_mp, max_mp = --Things that increase hp/mp temporarily really mess with this local current_form = you.transform() local you_are_berserk = you.berserk() local max_hp_increased = false local max_hp_decreased = false if (current_form ~= previous_form) then if (previous_form:find('dragon') or previous_form:find('statue') or previous_form:find('tree') or previous_form:find('ice')) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (current_form:find('dragon') or current_form:find('statue') or current_form:find('tree') or current_form:find('ice')) then max_hp_increased = true end end if (was_berserk_last_turn and not you_are_berserk) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (you_are_berserk and not was_berserk_last_turn) then max_hp_increased = true end --Skips message on initializing game if previous_hp > 0 then local hp_difference = previous_hp - current_hp local mp_difference = previous_mp - current_mp if max_hp_increased or max_hp_decreased then if max_hp_increased then crawl.mpr('Now you have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') else crawl.mpr('Now you have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') end else --체력 잃을때 if (current_hp < previous_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr('You take ' .. hp_difference .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr('You take ' .. hp_difference .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr('You take ' .. hp_difference .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr('You take ' .. hp_difference .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') else crawl.mpr('You take ' .. hp_difference .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') end if hp_difference > (max_hp * 0.20) then crawl.mpr('!!!!! HP Warning !!!!!') end end --체력 얻을때 if (current_hp > previous_hp) then --Removes the negative sign local health_inturn = (0 - hp_difference) if (health_inturn > 1) and not (current_hp == max_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. health_inturn .. ' hp, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] hp.') elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. health_inturn .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] hp.') elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. health_inturn .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. health_inturn .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp ..'] HP') else crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. health_inturn .. ' HP, and have [' .. current_hp .. '/' .. max_hp .. '] HP') end end if (current_hp == max_hp) then crawl.mpr(' HP Full. (' .. current_hp .. ')') end end --마력 얻을때 if (current_mp > previous_mp) then --Removes the negative sign local mp_inturn = (0 - mp_difference) if (mp_inturn > 1) and not (current_mp == max_mp) then if current_mp < (max_mp * 0.25) then crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. mp_inturn .. ' MP, and have [' .. current_mp .. '/' .. max_mp .. '] MP') elseif current_mp < (max_mp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. mp_inturn .. ' MP, and have [' .. current_mp .. '/' .. max_mp .. '] MP') else crawl.mpr('You gain ' .. mp_inturn .. ' MP, and have [' .. current_mp .. '/' .. max_mp .. '] MP') end end if (current_mp == max_mp) then crawl.mpr('MP Full (' .. current_mp .. ')') end end --마력 잃을때 if current_mp < previous_mp then if current_mp <= (max_mp * 0.25) then crawl.mpr('You lose ' .. mp_difference .. 'MP, and have [' .. current_mp .. '/' ..max_mp ..'] MP') elseif current_mp <= (max_mp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr('You lose ' .. mp_difference .. 'MP, and have [' .. current_mp .. '/' ..max_mp ..'] MP') else crawl.mpr('You lose ' .. mp_difference .. 'MP, and have [' .. current_mp .. '/' ..max_mp ..'] MP') end end end end --Set previous hp/mp and form at end of turn previous_hp = current_hp previous_mp = current_mp previous_form = current_form was_berserk_last_turn = you_are_berserk end function ready() -- Enable AnnounceDamage. announce_damage_ko() if you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then need_skills_opened = false crawl.sendkeys("m") end end } #왜곡무기 장비한 몬스터, 춤추는 왜곡무기 출현 시 more를 띄워주고 화면이 번쩍이는 효과를 줌 #왜곡무기는 피격 시 어비스로 추방될 수 있기 때문에 가장 주의해야되는 공격 중 하나임. force_more_message += It is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += She is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += He is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += wielding.* distortion.* comes? into view flash_screen_message += It is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += She is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += He is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += wielding.* distortion.* comes? into view flash_screen_message += distortion.* comes? into view