#TEAMCAPTAIN NinetaledFox #Huckle’s RC hp_colour = 100:green, 99:lightgreen, 75:brown, 50:yellow, 25:red show_game_time = false mp_warning = 20 fail_severity_to_confirm = 0 default_manual_training = true explore_auto_rest = false { function ready() Ruoffer() end } { local ru = true function Ruoffer() if string.find(crawl.messages(4), "Ru believes") and ru then crawl.yesno("Ru says: Cut away your false body! (Y or N to confirm.)", false, false, true, true) ru = false end if string.find(crawl.messages(6), "Ru asks you to") or string.find(crawl.messages(6), "Ru will take longer") then ru = true end end } autopickup_starting_ammo = false #autopickup_exceptions += scroll of fear #RGB tile_door_col = #992525 tile_cell_pixels = 48 #tile_player_tile = tile:felid_3 #tile_player_tile = playermons #tile_player_tile = tile: mons_giaggostuono