# Crawl Init file
# On Unix systems (such as Mac OS X, Linux and the BSDs), you must copy
# init.txt to ~/.crawlrc or ~/.crawl/init.txt as:
#   cp init.txt ~/.crawlrc
# Lines beginning with '#' are comments.  The basic syntax is:
# field = value         or      field.subfield = value
# Only one specification is allowed per line.
# The terms are typically case-insensitive except in the fairly obvious
# cases (the character's name and specifying files or directories when
# on a system that has case-sensitive filenames).
# White space is stripped from the beginning and end of the line, as
# well as immediately before and after the '='. If the option allows
# multiple comma/semicolon-separated terms (such as
# autopickup_exceptions), all whitespace around the separator is also
# trimmed. All other whitespace is left intact.
# For descriptions concerning an option consult the file
#    options_guide.txt
# in your /docs directory. Also note that the ordering of the options
# is taken from that file; this is for presentational reasons only.
# Note that all boolean options (i.e. values of 'true' or 'false') have
# their non-default value commented out. You can toggle these by just
# uncommenting.
# Options with several values, e.g. drop_mode = (multi | single),
# usually have the first value as default.
# The options for monster glyphs and item colours don't matter for Tiles.
# Similarily, tile options are ignored in console games.

##### Ancient versions ##############################################
# If you're used to the interface of ancient versions of Crawl, you may
# get back parts of it by uncommenting the following options:

# include                 = 034_command_keys.txt
# target_unshifted_dirs   = true
# clear_messages          = true
# And to revert monster glyph and colouring changes:
# include                 = 034_monster_glyphs.txt
# include                 = 052_monster_glyphs.txt
# include                 = 060_monster_glyphs.txt
# include                 = 071_monster_glyphs.txt
# include                 = 080_monster_glyphs.txt
# include                 = 0.9_monster_glyphs.txt

##### 1- Starting Screen ############################################
# name = Delilah
# remember_name = false
# weapon = (short sword | falchion | quarterstaff | hand axe | spear | mace
#           | trident | unarmed | random)
# species = (Human |...| Vampire | random)
# job     = (Fighter |...| Wanderer | random)
# random_pick = true
# good_random = false
# restart_after_game = true
# default_manual_training = true

##### 2-  File System ###############################################
# crawl_dir  = <path>
# morgue_dir = morgue
# save_dir   = saves
# macro_dir  = settings/
# sound = <regex>:<path to sound file>

##### 3-  Interface #################################################
##### 3-a       Picking up and Dropping ###############
# Rods are \ here.
# autopickup = $?!:"/%

# drop_filter += useless_item

# default_autopickup = false
# autopickup_no_burden = false
# pickup_thrown = false
# chunks_autopickup = false
# assign_item_slot = (forward | backward)
# drop_mode = (multi | single)
# pickup_mode = (single | multi | auto:5)
# drop_filter += skeleton, corpse, useless_item
# default_friendly_pickup = (none | friend | player | all)

##### 3-b       Targetting ############################
# default_target = false
# target_unshifted_dirs = true
# darken_beyond_range = false

##### 3-c       Passive Sightings #####################
# detected_monster_colour = lightred
# detected_item_colour = green
# remembered_monster_colour = darkgrey
# clean_map = true

##### 3-d       Branding ##############################
# friend_brand       = hi:green
# neutral_brand      = hi:lightgrey
# stab_brand         = hi:blue
# may_stab_brand     = hi:yellow
# heap_brand         = reverse
# feature_item_brand = reverse
# trap_item_brand    = reverse

##### 3-e       Level Map Functions ###################
# level_map_cursor_step = 7
# level_map_title = false
# show_waypoints = false

##### 3-f       Viewport Options  ###################
# view_max_width   = 33
# view_max_height  = 21
# view_lock_x      = false
# view_lock_y      = false
# view_lock        = false
# center_on_scroll = true
# symmetric_scroll = false
# scroll_margin_x  = 2
# scroll_margin_y  = 2
# scroll_margin    = 2

##### 3-g       Travel and Exploration #################
# travel_delay = 20 (or -1 online)
# explore_delay = -1
# rest_delay = 0 (or -1 online)
# travel_avoid_terrain = shallow water
# explore_greedy   = false
# explore_stop  = items,stairs,shops,altars,portals,branches,runed_doors
# explore_stop += greedy_pickup_smart,greedy_visited_item_stack
# explore_stop += greedy_sacrificeable
# sacrifice_before_explore = true
# explore_improved = true
# explore_wall_bias = 0
# travel_key_stop = false
# auto_sacrifice = true
# explore_stop_pickup_ignore += curare
# auto_exclude += oklob,statue,curse skull,roxanne,hyperactive,lightning spire
# auto_exclude += mimic

# tc_reachable      = blue
# tc_dangerous      = cyan
# tc_disconnected   = darkgrey
# tc_excluded       = lightmagenta
# tc_exclude_circle = red

# Interrupting run and rest compound commands:
# runrest_ignore_poison  = 2:30
# runrest_ignore_monster ^= butterfly:1
# runrest_ignore_monster ^= swamp worm:3
# runrest_stop_message += You hear a.* slurping noise
# runrest_ignore_message += Jiyva's power touches on your attributes

# A good number of runrest_messages are defined by default; you may want to
# clear them or override some.

# trapwalk_safe_hp = dart:20,needle:15,arrow:35,bolt:45,spear:40,blade:95

#rest_wait_both = true

##### 3-h       Command Enhancements ##################
# auto_list     = false
# auto_switch   = true
# easy_open     = false
# easy_unequip  = false
# equip_unequip = true
# easy_confirm  = (none | safe | all)
# allow_self_target      = (yes | no | prompt)
# confirm_butcher        = (auto | always | never)
# easy_eat_chunks        = true
# auto_eat_chunks        = true
# auto_drop_chunks       = (never | rotten | yes)
# prompt_for_swap        = false
# easy_quit_item_prompts = false
# easy_exit_menu         = true
# sort_menus = pickup: true : art, ego, basename, qualname, curse, qty
# sort_menus = inv: true : equipped, freshness, charged

# autofight_stop = 30

##### 3-i       Messages and Display Enhancements #####
# hp_warning = 30
# mp_warning = 0
# hp_colour = 50:yellow, 25:red
# mp_colour = 50:yellow, 25:red
# stat_colour = 1:lightred, 3:red

# status_caption_colour        = yellow
# mlist_min_height             = 4
# msg_min_height               = 7
# msg_max_height               = 10
# mlist_allow_alternate_layout = true
# messages_at_top              = true
# mlist_targetting             = true
# show_gold_turns              = false
# show_game_turns              = false
# show_newturn_mark            = false
# clear_messages             = true
# small_more                 = true
# show_more                  = false
# show_inventory_weights     = true
# item_stack_summary_minimum = 5
# msg_condense_repeats   = false
# msg_condense_short     = false
# skill_focus            = false
# show_travel_trail       = false (true for online)

##### 3-j       Colours (messages and menus) ##########
# Food is colour coded by default as follows:
#   yellow     = preferred food                    ($preferred)
#   darkgrey   = cannot be eaten at all            ($inedible)
#   lightred   = causes rot                        ($rot-inducing)
#   magenta    = dangerous to use, mutagenic       ($dangerous, $mutagenic)
#   red        = considered "evil" by your deity   ($evil)
#   lightgreen = poisonous                         ($poisonous)
#   brown      = contaminated, may cause nausea    ($contaminated)
# You can change colours by using something like
# $contaminated := magenta

# You can redefine inventory items like this:
# menu_colour ^= inventory:magenta:shillelagh
# or ones in pick-up dialogs:
# menu_colour ^= pickup:green:god gift

# Colouring of messages
# Messages are colour coded as follows:
#   lightred   = really important messages  ($danger)
#   yellow     = significant messages       ($warning)
#   lightred   = item damaged/destroyed     ($item_dmg [same as $danger])
#   darkgrey   = boring, message clutter    ($boring)

# Notes also use, quite misnamed, menu_colour:
# menu_colour ^= notes:white:Reached XP level

# These lines will suppress extra feedback messages from travel/shift-running.
# message_colour ^= mute:warning:comes into view
# message_colour ^= mute:You start (searching|resting)
# message_colour ^= mute:Done searching
# message_colour ^= mute:(HP|Magic) restored
# message_colour ^= mute:warning:Not with.*(in view|monsters around)

# You can also enforce a --more-- prompt for messages

## Avoid wasting turns with aborted actions:
# force_more_message += There are no visible monsters within range
# force_more_message += This wand has no charges

##### 3-k       Firing Commands #######################
# fire_items_start = a
# fire_order = launcher, return
# fire_order += javelin / dart / stone / rock / spear / net / handaxe / dagger / club
# fire_order += inscribed

##### 3-l       Channels ##############################
# channel.multiturn = mute

##### 3-m       Inscriptions ##########################
# autoinscribe += bad_item.*potion:!q
# autoinscribe += potion.*mutation:!q
# autoinscribe_cursed = false
# autoinscribe += fruit:!e
# show_god_gift = yes|unident|no

##### 3-n       Macro related Options #################
# flush.failure = false
# flush.command = true
# flush.message = true

##### 3-o       Tile related Options ##################
# tile_show_items = !?/%=([)x}:|\

# tile_skip_title = true
# tile_menu_icons = false

### The following lines define the colours of various objects within the
### tiles minimap. See options_guide.txt for more details.

# tile_player_col      = white
# tile_monster_col     = red
# tile_neutral_col     = red
# tile_peaceful_col    = lightred
# tile_friendly_col    = lightred
# tile_plant_col       = darkgreen
# tile_item_col        = green
# tile_unseen_col      = black
# tile_floor_col       = lightgrey
# tile_wall_col        = darkgrey
# tile_mapped_wall_col = blue
# tile_door_col        = brown
# tile_downstairs_col  = magenta
# tile_upstairs_col    = blue
# tile_feature_col     = cyan
# tile_trap_col        = yellow
# tile_water_col       = grey
# tile_lava_col        = grey
# tile_excluded_col    = darkcyan
# tile_excl_centre     = darkblue
# tile_window_col      = yellow

# If Crawl's response rate is too slow, try increasing the update rate.
# tile_update_rate      = 1000

# If Crawl is lagging when running or resting, try increasing this number.
# tile_runrest_rate = 100

# tile_key_repeat_delay = 200
# tile_tooltip_ms       = 500

# tile_tag_pref = enemy

### Note: setting window, map or font sizes to '0' implies auto-sizing.

# tile_full_screen      = true
# tile_window_width     = 1024
# tile_window_height    = 768
# tile_use_small_layout = true
# tile_map_pixels       = 3
# tile_cell_pixels      = 32
# tile_filter_scaling   = true
# tile_force_overlay    = true
# tile_layout_priority  = minimap, inventory, gold_turn, command, spell
# tile_layout_priority += ability, monster

# tile_font_crt_file  = VeraMono.ttf
# tile_font_crt_size  = 15
# tile_font_stat_file = VeraMono.ttf
# tile_font_stat_size = 16
# tile_font_msg_file  = VeraMono.ttf
# tile_font_msg_size  = 14
# tile_font_tip_file  = VeraMono.ttf
# tile_font_tip_size  = 15
# tile_font_lbl_file  = Vera.ttf
# tile_font_lbl_size  = 14
# tile_font_ft_light  = false

# tile_show_minihealthbar = false
# tile_show_minimagicbar  = false

##### 4-  Dump File #################################################
##### 4-a       Saving ################################
# dump_on_save = false

##### 4-b       Items and Kill List ###################
# kill_map = friend:you, other:you
# dump_kill_places = (single | all | none)
# dump_kill_breakdowns = true
# dump_item_origins = all,artifacts,ego_arm,ego_weap,jewellery,runes
# dump_item_origin_price = -1
# dump_message_count = 20
# dump_order  = header, hiscore, stats, misc, notes, inventory,
# dump_order += turns_by_place, skills, spells, overview, mutations,
# dump_order += messages, screenshot, monlist, kills_by_place, kills
# dump_order += action_counts
# dump_book_spells = false

##### 4-c       Notes #################################
# user_note_prefix=@@@
# note_hp_percent = 5
# note_skill_levels = 1,5,10,15,27
# note_all_skill_levels = true
# note_skill_max  = false
# note_xom_effects = false
# note_chat_messages = false
# note_items    += rod of, acquirement, preservation, running, of Zot
# note_monsters += orb of fire, ancient lich, Sigmund

##### 5-  Miscellaneous #############################################
##### 5-a       All OS ################################
# mouse_input      = true
# wiz_mode         = no
# char_set         = ascii
# use_fake_player_cursor = false
# Translation to use (in 0.11, only badly incomplete descriptions; Polish
# has god messages and a few misc, Greek has sheep).
# language = pl|fr|zh|ko|fi|ru|el|da|li|pt|de|lv|cs|hu
# Joke translations (complete!).
# language = dwarven|jagerkin|kraut|runes|wide
# colour.lightgray = black
# colour.lightcyan = cyan
# colour.yellow    = brown
# show_player_species = true

# See options_guide.txt for the options
# cset, feature, mon_glyph, item_glyph

## Highlight the edge of unexplored terrain.
# feature = explore horizon {',,green}

##### 5-b   Windows console #######################
# dos_use_background_intensity = true
# background = black

##### 5-c   Unix console ##########################
# use_fake_cursor = false

##### 5-d   Alternative keybinding files ##########
# Alternative vi bindings for Dvorak users.
# include = dvorak_command_keys.txt
# Override the vi movement keys with a non-command.
# include = no_vi_command_keys.txt