spy20345 Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 dagger (2, -4, D:1) a +0 short sword (4, 38, D:1) a +0 hand axe (7, 38, D:1) a +0 club (15, 19, D:1) a frilled lizard skeleton (22, -1, D:1) a hobgoblin skeleton (31, 4, D:1) a +0 dagger a kobold skeleton (32, 2, D:1) a +0 robe (34, 29, D:1) a +0 quarterstaff (48, 27, D:1) a hobgoblin skeleton Level 2 of the Dungeon [Shop] Noowiumm's Jewellery Emporium a ring of protection from fire (250 gold) a ring of see invisible (150 gold) an amulet of the acrobat (300 gold) an amulet of regeneration (300 gold) a ring of willpower (250 gold) a ring of see invisible (150 gold) a ring of positive energy (200 gold) [Shop] Tumil's Jewellery Boutique a talisman of death (1120 gold) the amulet of Afai {Acrobat +Blink Will- Int+8} (792 gold) [amulet of the acrobat] Acrobat: It increases your evasion while moving and waiting. Int+8: It affects your intelligence (+8). Will-: It decreases your willpower. +Blink: It lets you blink. a ring of fire (350 gold) a +6 ring of strength (504 gold) the ring "Xieliaga" {Fly rPois rF+ Slay+3} (681 gold) [ring of poison resistance] Slay+3: It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee (+3). rF+: It protects you from fire. rPois: It protects you from poison. Fly: It grants you flight. an amulet of faith (560 gold) a ring of protection from fire (350 gold) an amulet of guardian spirit (420 gold) the ring of the Suburbs {rF- Str+6 SInv} (386 gold) [ring of see invisible] Str+6: It affects your strength (+6). rF-: It makes you vulnerable to fire. SInv: It lets you see invisible. [Shop] Etualidu's Book Emporium a book of Callings (280 gold) a book of Armaments (520 gold) a book of Dreams (240 gold) a book of Hexes (440 gold) Zaar's Parchment of Congelation and Blasts (480 gold) Spells Type Level a - Static Discharge Conjuration/Air 2 b - Olgreb's Toxic Radiance Alchemy 4 c - Eringya's Noxious Bog Alchemy 6 d - Fulsome Fusillade Conjuration/Alchemy 8 a book of Geomancy (200 gold) a book of Vapours (180 gold) a book of the Tundra (440 gold) a book of Dangerous Friends (420 gold) [Shop] Epli's Antique Armour Boutique (Shop contents are unknown) (0, 0, D:2) a rat corpse (2, -1, D:2) a +0 club a goblin corpse (3, -1, D:2) 2 potions of heal wounds (4, 1, D:2) a +0 short sword a kobold corpse (4, 3, D:2) a +0 club a kobold corpse (8, 25, D:2) a frilled lizard corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, 37, D:2) an adder corpse (skeletalised by now) (15, 34, D:2) a quokka corpse (skeletalised by now) (19, 28, D:2) an adder corpse (skeletalised by now)