ERROR in '' at line 2052: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 0.32-a0-1524-gb5a8b8454b Platform: unix Bits: 64 Game mode: normal Tiles: online Seed: 6531120153859507932, deterministic pregen: 1 Version history: Game started: 0.32-a0-1519-ga7e19f97df 0.32-a0-1524-gb5a8b8454b Command line: /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b -name jesper -rc /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/jesper.rc -macro /dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/jesper.macro -morgue /dgldir/morgue/jesper/ -webtiles-socket /crawl-master/webserver/sockets/jesper:2024-06-22.06:25:10.sock -await-connection RC options: restart_after_game = false Crash caused by signal #6: Aborted Obtained 23 stack frames. /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z17write_stack_traceP8_IO_FILE+0x3e) [0x58bb1e8d18ee]: write_stack_trace(_IO_FILE*) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z13do_crash_dumpv+0x43a) [0x58bb1e8dfa2a]: do_crash_dump() /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z20crash_signal_handleri+0x1fa) [0x58bb1e8d1dca]: crash_signal_handler(int) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x749fb464d320]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x749fb46a6b1c]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x749fb464d26e]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(+0x48ed4d) [0x58bb1e8ded4d]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z3diePKciS0_z+0x166) [0x58bb1e8df476]: die(char const*, int, char const*, ...) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z16mons_attack_specRK7monsterib+0x3b1) [0x58bb1eceb691]: mons_attack_spec(monster const&, int, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z16mons_has_attacksRK7monsterb+0x1b) [0x58bb1ecf2d6b]: mons_has_attacks(monster const&, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_ZN12melee_attack26apply_sign_of_ruin_effectsEv+0xbb) [0x58bb1ebfde4b]: melee_attack::apply_sign_of_ruin_effects() /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_ZN12melee_attack16handle_phase_hitEv+0x1d5) [0x58bb1ec087d5]: melee_attack::handle_phase_hit() /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_ZN12melee_attack6attackEv+0x5b3) [0x58bb1ec0ac13]: melee_attack::attack() /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z11fight_meleeP5actorS0_Pbb+0x4b8) [0x58bb1e9cf5b8]: fight_melee(actor*, actor*, bool*, bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z19handle_monster_moveP7monster+0x1d14) [0x58bb1ec3c844]: handle_monster_move(monster*) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z15handle_monstersb+0xd1e) [0x58bb1ec3e24e]: handle_monsters(bool) /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_Z12world_reactsv+0x14f) [0x58bb1f01e25f]: world_reacts() /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(+0xbd05b6) [0x58bb1f0205b6]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(+0xbd12b5) [0x58bb1f0212b5]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(main+0x1f7) [0x58bb1e80cc57]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x749fb46321ca]: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x749fb463228b]: /usr/games/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b(_start+0x25) [0x58bb1e80d675]: gdb not executable. Compilation info: <<<<<<<<<<< Compiled with GCC 13.2.0 Build platform: x86_64-linux-gnu Platform: x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_WEB -DEXPERIMENTAL_BRANCH="heads/origin/master" -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-implicit-fallthrough -Wno-type-limits -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -isystem /usr/include/lua5.1 -g -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DREGEX_PCRE -DCLUA_BINDINGS -DDGAMELAUNCH -DSAVE_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b/saves" -DSHARED_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves" -DDATA_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b/data/" -DWEB_DIR_PATH="/crawl-master/crawl-git-b5a8b8454b/data/web/" -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -O2 >>>>>>>>>>> Place info: branch = 11, depth = 2 Level id: Vaults:2 Level build method = , level layout type = vaults, absdepth0 = 20 Level vaults: gammafunk_ghost_spectres minmay_crypt_entry_necro_gods vaults_mumra_minichess cheibrodos_frozen_isle nicolae_vaults_cochlea nicolae_vaults_hexular_roomagon vaults_mumra_minichess_inversion hangedman_vaults_snaps vaults_room_corners v_misc_23 ontoclasm_vaults_shuriken lightli_orcish_oven nicolae_vaults_little_squares_6 nicolae_vaults_trapezoid_lopsided_1 nicolae_vaults_offset_grid_hallway_3 layout_vaults_omnibox serial_shops nicolae_shop_pleasant_corner_grove uniq_mennas Markers: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Marker #4, type 9 at (35, 20): Terrain change marker (44->135, 93) Marker #5, type 9 at (39, 17): Terrain change marker (1->3, 94) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your death scarab bites the ironbound preserver! Your death scarab drains the ironbound preserver's vigour! The ironbound preserver seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound preserver's injuries! The yaktaur unwields a +2 heavy arbalest. The yaktaur hits your spectral yaktaur! Your spectral yaktaur hits the ironbound preserver! x2 Your spectral yaktaur drains the ironbound preserver. You swap places. Your death scarab bites the ironbound preserver! Your death scarab drains the ironbound preserver's vigour! The ironbound preserver seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound preserver's injuries! Your death scarab bites the ironbound preserver. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound preserver's injuries! The yaktaur wields a +0 arbalest. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt hits your spectral yaktaur!! The ironbound preserver hits your spectral yaktaur with a +0 flail! The yaktaur hits your spectral yaktaur. Your spectral yaktaur is destroyed! Your spectral yaktaur hits the ironbound preserver. You see here a +0 arbalest. You swap places. Your death scarab bites the ironbound preserver! Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound preserver's injuries! The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt hits your spectral yaktaur!! Your spectral yaktaur is destroyed! The ironbound preserver mumbles some strange words. The ironbound preserver is healed somewhat. You swap places. Your death scarab bites the ironbound preserver!! Your death scarab drains the ironbound preserver's vigour! The ironbound preserver seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound preserver's injuries! Your death scarab bites the yaktaur. Your death scarab draws vitality from the yaktaur's injuries! The yaktaur misses your death scarab. Things that are here: a +0 arbalest; a yaktaur corpse You hit the yaktaur. You puncture the yaktaur! The yaktaur is heavily wounded. Your death scarab bites the ironbound preserver!! The ironbound preserver dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the ironbound preserver! A glowing mist starts to gather... The yaktaur hits you. Your Armour skill increases to level 5! You hit the yaktaur. You feel better. You hit the yaktaur but do no damage. The yaktaur is heavily wounded. Your death scarab bites the yaktaur!! The yaktaur dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the yaktaur! A glowing mist starts to gather... Your death scarab bites the yaktaur. Your death scarab drains the yaktaur's vigour! The yaktaur seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the yaktaur's injuries! Your death scarab bites the yaktaur! Your death scarab drains the yaktaur's vigour! The yaktaur seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the yaktaur's injuries! You swap places. Your death scarab bites the yaktaur!! Your death scarab draws vitality from the yaktaur's injuries! Your death scarab bites the yaktaur! The yaktaur dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the yaktaur! A glowing mist starts to gather... You see here a +2 heavy arbalest. You swap places. You swap places. Things that are here: a +0 arbalest; a +0 flail; a +0 leather armour You swap places. You swap places. You swap places. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! Your unholy channel is weakening. Your unholy channel expires. Your spectral yaktaur fades into mist! Your spectral deep troll fades into mist! Your spectral ironbound preserver fades into mist! Your spectral yaktaur fades into mist! x2 A deep troll comes into view. A deep troll is nearby! You swap places. The deep troll bites your death scarab. The deep troll claws your death scarab! x2 Your death scarab closely misses the deep troll. Your death scarab bites the deep troll. Your death scarab drains the deep troll's vigour! The deep troll seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the deep troll's injuries! Your death scarab bites the deep troll but does no damage. Your death scarab misses the deep troll. Your death scarab bites the deep troll! Your death scarab draws vitality from the deep troll's injuries! The deep troll barely misses your death scarab. The deep troll claws your death scarab! x2 Your death scarab is destroyed! Your death scarab barely misses the deep troll. Your death scarab barely misses the deep troll. Your death scarab bites the deep troll!! Your death scarab draws vitality from the deep troll's injuries! Your death scarab bites the deep troll! The deep troll dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. You see here a +2 heavy arbalest. You swap places. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! Your death scarab crumbles into dust! Your death scarab crumbles into dust! You swap places. You see here a +2 heavy arbalest. Things that are here: a +0 arbalest; a yaktaur corpse You see here a +0 arbalest. Items here: ) [ ÷ †. Things that are here: a +0 arbalest; a yaktaur corpse Things that are here: a +0 great mace; a +0 ring mail Things that are here: a +0 long sword; a +0 ring mail There is a large open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: )) [[. There is a large open door, spattered with blood here. Items here: )) [ †. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! K - 7 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. An ironbound preserver comes into view. It is wielding a +0 great mace. Casting: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Malign forces permeate your being, awaiting release. Okay, then. You drop a +4 ring of protection. You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to cancel) You remove your ring of fire. Zombie hands grab the ironbound preserver. The zombie hands constrict the ironbound preserver. Your ettin zombie hits the ironbound preserver!! Your ettin zombie hits the ironbound preserver! The ironbound preserver hits your deep troll zombie with a +0 great mace!! Casting: Borgnjor's Vile Clutch (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You are already channelling the dead. You swap places. The zombie hands constrict the ironbound preserver. Your ettin zombie hits the ironbound preserver. x2 The ironbound preserver hits you with a +0 great mace!! You hit the ironbound preserver. You feel better. You hit the ironbound preserver. The ironbound preserver is heavily wounded. The zombie hands constrict the ironbound preserver. You hit the ironbound preserver. You feel better. You puncture the ironbound preserver! You feel better. The ironbound preserver is severely wounded. The zombie hands constrict the ironbound preserver. Your deep troll zombie bites the ironbound preserver!! Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound preserver! x2 The ironbound preserver dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A glowing mist starts to gather... Your Evocations skill increases to level 2! Things that are here: a +0 great mace; a +0 leather armour; a human corpse You see here a +4 ring of protection. You're wearing all the rings you can. Remove which one? (? for menu, Esc to cancel) You remove your ring of wizardry. You swap places. Things that are here: a +0 great mace; a +0 leather armour; a human corpse You reach down and open the door. A yaktaur comes into view. Found 2 potions of haste. You swap places. A great orb of eyes, a yaktaur captain and a yaktaur come into view. There is an open door here. The yaktaur captain shouts! The great orb of eyes turns its gaze towards you. The yaktaur shouts! The yaktaur wields a +0 arbalest. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt completely misses you. Casting: Death Channel (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Death Channel (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target You call forth a plague of scarabs! The yaktaur is infested! The yaktaur captain is infested! The great orb of eyes is infested! The yaktaur is infested! The yaktaur hits you but does no damage. The yaktaur captain completely misses you. You hit the yaktaur. You hit the yaktaur but do no damage. The yaktaur is lightly wounded. You hit the yaktaur. You barely miss the yaktaur. The yaktaur is moderately wounded. Your unholy channel is weakening. The yaktaur misses you. The yaktaur captain barely misses you. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt hits your spectral ironbound preserver!! Casting: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Curse of Agony (safe; 1% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yaktaur captain Aim: a yaktaur captain (infested, ally target, chance to affect: 75%) The yaktaur captain is cursed with the promise of agony. Your ettin zombie hits the yaktaur but does no damage. Your ettin zombie hits the yaktaur!! The great orb of eyes bites you but does no damage. You block the yaktaur's attack. You block the yaktaur captain's attack. Your spectral ironbound preserver hits the yaktaur captain!! The yaktaur unwields a +0 arbalest. The yaktaur hits your ettin zombie. Your ettin zombie is destroyed! The yaktaur shouts! You hit the yaktaur captain. The yaktaur captain convulses! You hit the yaktaur captain. The yaktaur captain convulses! The yaktaur captain is freed from its curse. The yaktaur captain is almost dead. You hit the yaktaur captain. You puncture the yaktaur captain! The yaktaur captain is almost dead. The great orb of eyes closely misses you. The yaktaur completely misses you. The yaktaur captain barely misses you. Your spectral ironbound preserver barely misses the yaktaur captain. The yaktaur wields a +0 arbalest. The yaktaur shoots a bolt. The bolt hits your spectral ironbound preserver! You hit the yaktaur captain but do no damage. x2 The yaktaur captain is almost dead. The yaktaur captain hits you. You block the great orb of eyes's attack. You block the yaktaur's attack. You hit the yaktaur captain but do no damage. You puncture the yaktaur captain! You kill the yaktaur captain! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the yaktaur captain! A glowing mist starts to gather... Your spectral ironbound preserver hits the yaktaur! Your deep troll zombie barely misses the yaktaur. Your deep troll zombie claws the yaktaur but does no damage. Your deep troll zombie claws the yaktaur. You puncture the yaktaur! You feel better. You barely miss the yaktaur. The yaktaur is severely wounded. Your death scarab bites the great orb of eyes! Your death scarab draws vitality from the great orb of eyes's injuries! The yaktaur unwields a +0 arbalest. The yaktaur hits your deep troll zombie but does no damage. You block the great orb of eyes's attack. The yaktaur completely misses you. You puncture the yaktaur! You hit the yaktaur. You kill the yaktaur! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the yaktaur! A glowing mist starts to gather... Your death scarab bites the great orb of eyes!! Your death scarab drains the great orb of eyes's vigour! The great orb of eyes seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the great orb of eyes's injuries! Your spectral ironbound preserver hits the yaktaur. Your deep troll zombie barely misses the yaktaur. Your deep troll zombie claws the yaktaur! The yaktaur dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the yaktaur! A glowing mist starts to gather... You puncture the great orb of eyes! You hit the great orb of eyes but do no damage. The great orb of eyes is severely wounded. Your unholy channel expires. Your spectral yaktaur captain fades into mist! Your spectral yaktaur fades into mist! x2 Your death scarab bites the great orb of eyes!! The great orb of eyes dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the great orb of eyes! Your Stealth skill increases to level 11! No target in view! No target in view! Your spectral ironbound preserver fades into mist! j - 5 potions of haste (gained 2) You see here a +0 arbalest. Found Inewuwn's Distillery. There is an entrance to Inewuwn's Distillery here. A - 9 potions of heal wounds (gained 2); j - 6 potions of haste (gained 1) v - 3 potions of resistance (gained 1) Thank you for shopping at Inewuwn's Distillery! You swap places. You swap places. You see here a +0 arbalest. There is an open door here. You swap places. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! Your death scarab crumbles into dust! There is an open door here. A lindwurm comes into view. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! There is a large open door here. You swap places. Your death scarab bites the lindwurm but does no damage. You block the lindwurm's attack. x2; The lindwurm closely misses you. You puncture the lindwurm! x2 The lindwurm is moderately wounded. Your death scarab bites the lindwurm. Your death scarab drains the lindwurm's vigour! The lindwurm seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the lindwurm's injuries! You completely miss the lindwurm. You hit the lindwurm but do no damage. The lindwurm is moderately wounded. Your death scarab bites the lindwurm but does no damage. You block the lindwurm's attack. x2; The lindwurm completely misses you. You hit the lindwurm. x2 The lindwurm is heavily wounded. Your death scarab barely misses the lindwurm. You barely miss the lindwurm. You hit the lindwurm but do no damage. The lindwurm is heavily wounded. Your death scarab bites the lindwurm! Your death scarab drains the lindwurm's vigour! The lindwurm seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the lindwurm's injuries! Your death scarab bites the lindwurm!! The lindwurm dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. An ironbound frostheart comes into view. You swap places. There is an open door here. You see here a lindwurm corpse. The frost grips your death scarab!! The frost grips your deep troll zombie. Your deep troll zombie resists. There is a large open door here. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Follow me! What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - ironbound frostheart Aim: an ironbound frostheart, wearing a +0 scale mail Attack! Your death scarab bites the ironbound frostheart! Your death scarab drains the ironbound frostheart's vigour! The ironbound frostheart seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound frostheart's injuries! Your deep troll zombie bites the ironbound frostheart but does no damage. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart! Your death scarab closely misses the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie bites the ironbound frostheart! Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart but does no damage. x2 Your death scarab closely misses the ironbound frostheart. The ironbound frostheart barely misses your death scarab. Your deep troll zombie bites the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart but does no damage. Casting: Curse of Agony (safe; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f/p - ironbound frostheart Aim: an ironbound frostheart, wearing a +0 scale mail (severely wounded, not watching you, slow, ally target) You call forth a plague of scarabs! The ironbound frostheart is infested! Your deep troll zombie is unaffected. Your death scarab is unaffected. Your death scarab bites the ironbound frostheart! Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound frostheart's injuries! The ironbound frostheart touches your deep troll zombie but does no damage. Your death scarab barely misses the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie barely misses the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart! The ironbound frostheart dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the ironbound frostheart! There is a large open door, spattered with blood here. You see here a +0 scale mail. You see here a lindwurm corpse. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! There is an open door here. You see here the +9 ring mail of Biwnal {rC+ Will++ Regen+ Int-2}. h - 9 potions of brilliance (gained 1) An ironbound frostheart comes into view. Your death scarab barely misses the ironbound frostheart. The ironbound frostheart calls freezing cold from the walls. The frost grips you. You are encased in ice. There is an open door here. You swap places. Your death scarab bites the ironbound frostheart. Your death scarab drains the ironbound frostheart's vigour! The ironbound frostheart seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound frostheart's injuries! The ironbound frostheart barely misses your death scarab. Your death scarab misses the ironbound frostheart. The ironbound frostheart barely misses you. You puncture the ironbound frostheart! You feel better. You hit the ironbound frostheart. The ironbound frostheart is moderately wounded. You block the ironbound frostheart's attack. You hit the ironbound frostheart. x2 The ironbound frostheart is moderately wounded. Your deep troll zombie bites the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart but does no damage. x2 You hit the ironbound frostheart. x2 The ironbound frostheart is heavily wounded. Your death scarab bites the ironbound frostheart! Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound frostheart's injuries! The ironbound frostheart barely misses you. You hit the ironbound frostheart. x2 The ironbound frostheart is severely wounded. The ice encasing you melts away. Your death scarab barely misses the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie barely misses the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie claws the ironbound frostheart. Your deep troll zombie completely misses the ironbound frostheart. You puncture the ironbound frostheart! You kill the ironbound frostheart! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. There is an open door here. You see here the +9 ring mail of Biwnal {rC+ Will++ Regen+ Int-2}. You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +5 steam dragon scales. x4 You finish removing your +5 steam dragon scales. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on the +9 ring mail of Biwnal {rC+ Will++ Regen+ Int-2}. x5 You finish putting on the +9 ring mail of Biwnal {rC+ Will++ Regen+ Int-2}. You feel stupid. The ring mail of Biwnal throbs as it attunes itself to your uninjured body. Casting: Infestation (quite dangerous; 41% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Okay, then. You start removing your armour. You continue removing the +9 ring mail of Biwnal {rC+ Will++ Regen+ Int-2}. x4 You finish removing the +9 ring mail of Biwnal {rC+ Will++ Regen+ Int-2}. You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +5 steam dragon scales. x5 You finish putting on your +5 steam dragon scales. There is an open door here. Okay, then. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. Your death scarab crumbles into dust! Found a chain mail. You see here a +0 chain mail. There is a broken door here. There is a broken door here. h - 10 potions of brilliance (gained 1) There is a broken door here. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. A vault sentinel comes into view. It is wielding a +0 falchion. There is an open door here. A vault sentinel is nearby! The helpless vault sentinel fails to defend itself. You spit the vault sentinel like a pig!!!! You kill the vault sentinel! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. Things that are here: a +0 falchion; a +0 arbalest; a +0 scale mail You swap places. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. V - a wand of paralysis (10) (gained 5 charges) You swap places. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. Done exploring. Done exploring. There is an open door here. You swap places. There is an open door here. There is a stone staircase leading down here. You fly downwards. Your mindless puppet stays behind to rot. There is a stone staircase leading up here. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. An ironbound convoker comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail. The ironbound convoker shouts! There is an open door here. You feel the dreadful sensation subside. b - a staff of death (weapon) Casting: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! Malign forces permeate your being, awaiting release. Casting: Death Channel (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You call upon the dead to rise. Casting: Animate Dead (safe; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You call out to the remnants of the fallen! You feel strangely empty. a - the +8 Vampire's Tooth (weapon) {megavamp} What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. You shout for attention, and the damned howl along! What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. You shout for attention, and the damned howl along! You barely miss the ironbound convoker. You closely miss the ironbound convoker. You puncture the ironbound convoker! You hit the ironbound convoker but do no damage. The ironbound convoker is lightly wounded. The ironbound convoker hits you with a +0 flail! You puncture the ironbound convoker! You feel better. You barely miss the ironbound convoker. The ironbound convoker is moderately wounded. You puncture the ironbound convoker! You feel better. You puncture the ironbound convoker! The ironbound convoker is heavily wounded. The ironbound convoker hits you with a +0 flail! Casting: Fugue of the Fallen (safe; 0% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Curse of Agony (safe; 1% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ironbound convoker Aim: an ironbound convoker, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 ring mail (heavily wounded, chance to affect: 87%) The ironbound convoker is cursed with the promise of agony. The ironbound convoker hits you with a +0 flail! You puncture the ironbound convoker! The ironbound convoker convulses! You puncture the ironbound convoker! You feel better. The ironbound convoker is freed from its curse. The ironbound convoker is almost dead. You closely miss the ironbound convoker. x2 The ironbound convoker is almost dead. The ironbound convoker completely misses you. You puncture the ironbound convoker! You feel better. You kill the ironbound convoker! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The dead are walking! A glowing mist starts to gather... Things that are here: a +0 flail; a +0 ring mail There is an open door here. The wailing of tortured souls fills the air! The wailing of tortured souls fills the air! You swap places. You are losing your grip on the fallen. Your fugue has ended. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. Found Kimot's Antique Weapon Boutique. Your reaping aura is weakening. There is an entrance to Kimot's Antique Weapon Boutique here. Your reaping aura expires. There is an open door here. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. Your unholy channel is weakening. There is an open door here. You reach down and open the door. A polterguardian and an ironbound convoker come into view. The ironbound convoker is wielding a +2 dire flail of holy wrath. Your unholy channel expires. Found 5 stones. Unknown command. Press: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel The floor. Kikubaaqudgha calls piteous wretches from the earth! A titan, an ironbound convoker and a vault warden come into view. Casting: Curse of Agony (safe; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target You call forth a plague of scarabs! The ironbound convoker is infested! Your ironbound convoker zombie is unaffected. The vault warden is infested! The titan is infested! The polterguardian is infested! You hear a shout! The polterguardian completely misses your ironbound convoker zombie. The helpless vault warden fails to defend itself. You skewer the vault warden like a kebab!!!! You kill the vault warden! That felt strangely unrewarding. A death scarab bursts from the vault warden! A nearby ironbound convoker perishes wretchedly. A death scarab bursts from the ironbound convoker! The polterguardian focuses its will at you. The lance of force hits your ironbound convoker zombie!! Your ironbound convoker zombie is knocked back by the lance of force. Your ironbound convoker zombie slams into the rock wall! Your ironbound convoker zombie is heavily damaged. Casting: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You dismiss your zombies and call upon the dead to rise afresh. Your ironbound convoker zombie crumbles into dust! A nearby titan perishes wretchedly. A death scarab bursts from the titan! The polterguardian hits your death scarab! Your death scarab completely misses the polterguardian. You swap places. Your death scarab barely misses the polterguardian. The polterguardian hits your death scarab! The ironbound convoker begins to recite a word of recall! Your death scarab bites the polterguardian!! Your death scarab drains the polterguardian's vigour! The polterguardian seems to slow down. You swap places. Your death scarab bites the ironbound convoker. Your death scarab drains the ironbound convoker's vigour! The ironbound convoker seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound convoker's injuries! The polterguardian hits your death scarab! Your death scarab bites the polterguardian. Your death scarab drains the polterguardian's vigour! The polterguardian seems to slow down. Casting: Animate Dead (safe; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Malign forces permeate your being, awaiting release. Your death scarab bites the polterguardian! Your death scarab drains the polterguardian's vigour! The polterguardian seems to slow down. Your death scarab bites the ironbound convoker!! Your death scarab drains the ironbound convoker's vigour! The ironbound convoker seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound convoker's injuries! Your death scarab bites the ironbound convoker!! The ironbound convoker dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A glowing mist starts to gather... Your death scarab bites the polterguardian! Your death scarab drains the polterguardian's vigour! The polterguardian seems to slow down. You swap places. Your death scarab completely misses the polterguardian. You block the polterguardian's attack. There is an open door here. You hit the polterguardian. x2 The polterguardian is heavily damaged. Your ironbound convoker zombie closely misses the polterguardian. You barely miss the polterguardian. You miss the polterguardian. The polterguardian is heavily damaged. Your death scarab bites the polterguardian!! Your spectral ironbound convoker misses the polterguardian. The polterguardian barely misses you. You hit the polterguardian but do no damage. You puncture the polterguardian! You destroy the polterguardian! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the polterguardian! You swap places. You swap places. Found a cloak. You reach down and open the door. Found a stone staircase leading down. There is an open door here. You swap places. You swap places. Your reaping aura is weakening. You reach down and open the door. There is an open door here. Found a scroll of teleportation. You swap places. Your reaping aura expires. You reach down and open the door. You swap places. You swap places. You swap places. K - 8 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) You reach down and open the door. Mennas, a polterguardian, a phantasmal warrior, an ettin and an ironbound convoker come into view. Mennas is wielding a +2 eudemon blade of holy wrath. Your death scarab completely misses the ettin. The phantasmal warrior gestures at you. The phantasmal warrior blinks! The polterguardian focuses its will at you. The lance of force hits your death scarab! Your death scarab is knocked back by the lance of force. Your death scarab collides with your death scarab. Your death scarab is lightly damaged. Your death scarab is moderately damaged. The ettin shouts in stereo! Found a scroll of amnesia. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Follow me! The ettin hits your death scarab with a +0 dire flail!!! Your death scarab is destroyed! The phantasmal warrior hits your death scarab!! You swap places. The phantasmal warrior gestures at you. The phantasmal warrior blinks! The ettin hits your death scarab with a +0 dire flail!! Your death scarab is destroyed! You block the phantasmal warrior's attack. Your death scarab bites the phantasmal warrior! Your death scarab drains the phantasmal warrior's vigour! The phantasmal warrior seems to slow down. You barely miss the phantasmal warrior. You puncture the phantasmal warrior! The phantasmal warrior is heavily damaged. Your death scarab bites the phantasmal warrior!! The phantasmal warrior is destroyed! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. Training target 6.0 for Earth Magic reached! Your Earth Magic skill increases to level 6! Your death scarab bites the ettin but does no damage. Your ironbound convoker zombie hits the ettin. The ironbound convoker begins to recite a word of recall! Casting: Death Channel (mildly dangerous; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target You call forth a plague of scarabs! Your ironbound convoker zombie is unaffected. The ettin is infested! Your spectral ironbound convoker is unaffected. The ironbound convoker is infested! Your death scarab is unaffected. The ettin is no longer repelling missiles. Your death scarab bites the ettin! Your death scarab draws vitality from the ettin's injuries! Your ironbound convoker zombie hits the ettin! You hit the ettin. You puncture the ettin! The ettin is moderately wounded. Your death scarab bites the ettin! Your death scarab drains the ettin's vigour! The ettin seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ettin's injuries! You hit the ettin. You barely miss the ettin. The ettin is severely wounded. Your death scarab bites the ettin! Your death scarab drains the ettin's vigour! The ettin seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ettin's injuries! Your death scarab bites the ettin but does no damage. You strike the helpless ettin from behind! You stick the ettin like a pincushion!!! You kill the ettin! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the ettin! A glowing mist starts to gather... The arcanist is recalled. The orc knight is recalled. An orc knight comes into view. It is wielding a +2 long sword of flaming. An arcanist comes into view. It is wielding a +1 dagger of venom. Your death scarab bites the orc knight. Your death scarab drains the orc knight's vigour! The orc knight seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the orc knight's injuries! Your death scarab misses the orc knight. The ironbound convoker points at the orc knight and mumbles some strange words. The orc knight seems to grow stronger. The orc knight hits your ironbound convoker zombie with a +2 long sword of flaming!!! The orc knight burns your ironbound convoker zombie. The arcanist shouts, "You can't withstand my power!" Casting: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Aiming: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - ironbound convoker Aim: an ironbound convoker, wielding a +0 morningstar and wearing a +0 scale mail (repelling missiles, infested, catching its breath, ally target, haloed) Okay, then. You feel the dreadful sensation subside. b - a staff of death (weapon) Your death scarab misses the arcanist. Your spectral ironbound convoker hits the ironbound convoker! Your spectral ironbound convoker drains the ironbound convoker. Your death scarab bites the orc knight but does no damage. Casting: Infestation (dangerous; 16% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. You feel a surge of power! You dismiss your zombies and call upon the dead to rise afresh. Your ironbound convoker zombie crumbles into dust! Your death scarab bites the orc knight!! Your death scarab draws vitality from the orc knight's injuries! Your death scarab bites the arcanist!! Your death scarab draws vitality from the arcanist's injuries! The ironbound convoker hits your spectral ironbound convoker with a +0 morningstar! An arcanist comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger. The arcanist casts a spell at your death scarab. Your death scarab becomes as fragile as glass! Your spectral ironbound convoker hits the ironbound convoker. Your spectral ironbound convoker drains the ironbound convoker. Your death scarab bites the arcanist!! The arcanist dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The dead are walking! A glowing mist starts to gather... The orc knight hits your spectral ettin with a +2 long sword of flaming!! The orc knight burns your spectral ettin. Your Fighting skill increases to level 10! Your spectral ettin hits the arcanist. Your spectral ettin misses the arcanist. Your spectral ironbound convoker misses the arcanist. Your death scarab completely misses the polterguardian. Your spectral arcanist hits the orc knight but does no damage. The polterguardian hits your spectral ettin. A vault warden comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe. The orc knight hits your spectral ettin with a +2 long sword of flaming!! The orc knight burns your spectral ettin. Your spectral ettin misses the polterguardian. Your spectral ettin hits the polterguardian! Your spectral ironbound convoker closely misses the arcanist. Your spectral arcanist closely misses the orc knight. Casting: Animate Dead (safe; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Casting: Animate Dead (safe; 1% risk of failure) Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. Okay, then. Aiming: Sign of Ruin (0% risk of failure) Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - ironbound convoker Aim: an ironbound convoker, wielding a +0 morningstar and wearing a +0 scale mail (heavily wounded, repelling missiles, infested, catching its breath, lightly drained, ally target, haloed) You invoke the name of Kikubaaqudgha! The sign of ruin forms upon the ironbound convoker! The sign of ruin forms upon the arcanist! The sign of ruin forms upon Mennas! The sign of ruin forms upon the vault warden! The sign of ruin forms upon the orc knight! The sign of ruin forms upon the polterguardian! Your death scarab bites the polterguardian!! Your death scarab drains the polterguardian's vigour! The polterguardian seems to slow down. x2 The polterguardian hits your spectral ettin! The arcanist gestures at you while chanting. The bolt of cold hits your spectral ironbound convoker!! Your spectral ironbound convoker resists. The bolt of cold hits your death scarab!! The vault warden activates a sealing rune. Your spectral ettin hits the polterguardian!! The polterguardian seems to slow down. Your spectral ettin completely misses the polterguardian. Your arcanist zombie closely misses the polterguardian. Your spectral ironbound convoker hits the arcanist. The arcanist is drained! The orc knight hits your spectral ettin with a +2 long sword of flaming! The orc knight burns your spectral ettin. Your spectral ettin is destroyed! Your spectral arcanist barely misses the orc knight. The orc knight is no longer moving slowly. Your death scarab misses the polterguardian. The arcanist hits your spectral ironbound convoker with a +0 dagger. The polterguardian focuses its will at you. The lance of force hits your spectral arcanist!! Your spectral arcanist is knocked back by the lance of force. Your spectral ironbound convoker closely misses the arcanist. Your arcanist zombie completely misses the polterguardian. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. p - Attack previous target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - orc knight, p - ironbound convoker Aim: an orc knight, wielding a +2 long sword of flaming and wearing a +0 plate armour (heavily wounded, strong, repelling missiles, marked with the sign of ruin, ally target, haloed) Attack! Your death scarab bites the orc knight! Your death scarab drains the orc knight's vigour! The orc knight seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the orc knight's injuries! The orc knight is drained! The orc knight looks weaker. Your death scarab misses the polterguardian. x2 Mennas shakes his head sadly. Your death scarab bites the orc knight. Your death scarab drains the orc knight's vigour! The orc knight seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the orc knight's injuries! The orc knight is drained! The orc knight looks even weaker. The orc knight closely misses your death scarab. The arcanist hits your spectral ironbound convoker but does no damage. Your death scarab bites the polterguardian! The polterguardian is destroyed! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. A death scarab bursts from the polterguardian! Your spectral ironbound convoker hits the orc knight but does no damage. Your arcanist zombie completely misses Mennas. You feel strangely empty. a - the +8 Vampire's Tooth (weapon) {megavamp} The vault warden is no longer repelling missiles. The orc knight is no longer repelling missiles. Mennas is no longer repelling missiles. The ironbound convoker is no longer repelling missiles. The arcanist is no longer repelling missiles. Your death scarab bites the orc knight!! The orc knight dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The dead are walking! A glowing mist starts to gather... Your death scarab closely misses Mennas. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - arcanist Aim: an arcanist, wielding a +0 dagger and wearing a +0 robe (moderately wounded, wandering, marked with the sign of ruin, blind, unable to see you, lightly drained, ally target, hasn't noticed you, haloed) Attack! Your death scarab bites the arcanist! Your death scarab drains the arcanist's vigour! The arcanist seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the arcanist's injuries! The arcanist is drained! Mennas blocks your death scarab's attack. Your death scarab bites the arcanist!! The arcanist dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. The dead are walking! A glowing mist starts to gather... Mennas hits your death scarab with a +2 eudemon blade of holy wrath!! Your death scarab convulses!! Your death scarab is destroyed! Mennas hits your death scarab with a +2 eudemon blade of holy wrath!! Your death scarab is destroyed! Your arcanist zombie hits Mennas but does no damage. The ironbound convoker casts a spell at the vault warden. The vault warden seems to grow stronger. The vault warden hits your spectral ironbound convoker with a +0 war axe!!! Your spectral ironbound convoker is destroyed! The vault warden hits your spectral orc knight with a +0 war axe. The vault warden blocks your spectral orc knight's attack. What are your orders? t - Shout! Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me. Anything else - Cancel. Gang up on whom? Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - ironbound convoker Aim: an ironbound convoker, wielding a +0 morningstar and wearing a +0 scale mail (heavily wounded, marked with the sign of ruin, infested, lightly drained, ally target, haloed) Attack! Your unholy channel is weakening. Mennas gestures frantically. You easily resist. Your arcanist zombie resists with some effort. Your orc knight zombie appears confused. Your death scarab resists with almost no effort. Your arcanist zombie resists with some effort. Your death scarab appears confused. Your death scarab barely misses your death scarab. Your orc knight zombie hits your death scarab. The ironbound convoker barely misses your death scarab. The vault warden activates a sealing rune. A door slams shut! Mennas blocks your spectral arcanist's attack. Your death scarab bites the ironbound convoker. Your death scarab drains the ironbound convoker's vigour! The ironbound convoker seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound convoker's injuries! The ironbound convoker is drained! Mennas blocks your arcanist zombie's attack. Your spectral orc knight hits the ironbound convoker. The ironbound convoker is drained! The ironbound convoker looks weaker. Your death scarab closely misses your spectral arcanist. Your death scarab misses the ironbound convoker. Your death scarab closely misses the ironbound convoker. Mennas gestures frantically. You resist with almost no effort. Your arcanist zombie appears confused. Your orc knight zombie appears confused. Your death scarab appears confused. Your arcanist zombie easily resists. Your death scarab resists with some effort. Something blocks your death scarab's attack. Your death scarab bites your spectral arcanist!! Your death scarab drains your spectral arcanist's vigour! Your spectral arcanist seems to slow down. Your orc knight zombie hits your death scarab! Mennas hits your spectral arcanist with a +2 eudemon blade of holy wrath!! Your spectral arcanist is destroyed! Something hits your death scarab!! Your death scarab bites the ironbound convoker! Your death scarab drains the ironbound convoker's vigour! The ironbound convoker seems to slow down. Your death scarab draws vitality from the ironbound convoker's injuries! The ironbound convoker is drained! The ironbound convoker seems to slow down. Unknown command. Your death scarab completely misses the ironbound convoker. Your death scarab closely misses your arcanist zombie. Mennas hits your arcanist zombie with a +2 eudemon blade of holy wrath!! Your arcanist zombie convulses. Mennas hits your arcanist zombie with a +2 eudemon blade of holy wrath! Your arcanist zombie convulses. Your death scarab closely misses your arcanist zombie. Your arcanist zombie hits the ironbound convoker. The ironbound convoker is drained! The ironbound convoker dies! Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version history: Game started: 0.32-a0-1519-ga7e19f97df 0.32-a0-1524-gb5a8b8454b Game state: mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0 io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0: seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0 prev_cmd = CMD_WAIT repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD Player: {{{{{{{{{{{ Name: [jesper] Species: Human Job: Wanderer HP: 140/140; mods: 0/0 MP: 24/37; mod: 0 Stats: 10 (10) 18 (18) 21 (21) Position: (31, 19), god: Kikubaaqudgha (3), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0 Standing on/in/over feature: floor Skills (mode: manual) Name | can_currently_train | train | training | level | points | progress Fighting | X | 1 | 15 | 10 | 2788 | 13/600 Short Blades | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 5625 | 0/900 Long Blades | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Axes | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Maces & Flails | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Polearms | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Staves | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Ranged Weapons | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Throwing | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 50 | 0/100 Armour | X | 1 | 15 | 5 | 827 | 77/300 Dodging | X | 1 | 14 | 12 | 4182 | 132/750 Stealth | X | 1 | 14 | 11 | 2946 | 108/567 Shields | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 290 | 140/150 Unarmed Combat | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Spellcasting | X | 0 | 0 | 14 | 6689 | 0/1070 Conjurations | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1400 | 0/400 Hexes | X | 0 | 0 | 5 | 750 | 0/300 Summonings | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Necromancy | X | 2 | 28 | 19 | 11853 | 953/1325 Translocations | X | 0 | 0 | 2 | 150 | 0/150 Fire Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1400 | 0/400 Ice Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Air Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Earth Magic | X | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1050 | 0/350 Alchemy | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/50 Invocations | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/42 Evocations | X | 1 | 14 | 2 | 216 | 66/150 Shapeshifting | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/59 Spell bugs: Durations: #34: 21 #159: 685 Attributes: #12: 3448 #13: 2035 #22: 1 #23: 35549 #24: -1482897416 #49: 3913 Mutations: explore regen: 1 (innate) Inventory bugs: Equipment: eq slot #0, inv slot #0: +8 Vampire's Tooth {megavamp} eq slot #1, inv slot #8: scarf of invisibility eq slot #2, inv slot #29: +0 helmet eq slot #3, inv slot #35: +2 pair of gloves of dexterity eq slot #4, inv slot #14: +2 pair of boots of flying eq slot #5, inv slot #37: +2 buckler eq slot #6, inv slot #3: +5 steam dragon scales eq slot #7, inv slot #48: +4 ring of protection eq slot #8, inv slot #41: +5 ring of evasion eq slot #9, inv slot #43: amulet of reflection }}}}}}}}}}} Webtiles message buffer: Webtiles JSON stack: Screenshot: ....... ....... A...... #+## ..?.... #..# p.... # #..# ... ### #'#######+# ..♣#### #.....Z..p# ...#..##########@...)BB)Z# ♣.∩#..#........'....>.ZA.# ####..#........#......Z..# ......#........#.......Z.# ......').......#.[.......# ......#.....(..#^........# ##'####........#.........# ....# #######'#########++# ....# #.....# clua stack: dlua stack: Lua persistent data: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ice_cave_hard: false aquarium_serial_pool_size: 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lua marker contents: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Lua marker 0 at (7, 46): {{{{ CLASS: TriggerableFunction repeated: false listeners: func: CLASS: FunctionWrapper name: dgn.activate_item_decay fn: [type function] props: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: player_los activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 64: 1: 1 activated: true data: }}}} Lua marker 1 at (8, 46): {{{{ CLASS: TriggerableFunction repeated: false listeners: func: CLASS: FunctionWrapper name: dgn.activate_item_decay fn: [type function] props: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: player_los activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 64: 1: 1 activated: true data: }}}} Lua marker 2 at (9, 46): {{{{ CLASS: TriggerableFunction repeated: false listeners: func: CLASS: FunctionWrapper name: dgn.activate_item_decay fn: [type function] props: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: player_los activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 64: 1: 1 activated: true data: }}}} Lua marker 3 at (10, 46): {{{{ CLASS: TriggerableFunction repeated: false listeners: func: CLASS: FunctionWrapper name: dgn.activate_item_decay fn: [type function] props: triggerers: 1: CLASS: DgnTriggerer type: player_los activating: false dgn_trigs_by_type: 64: 1: 1 activated: true data: }}}} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>